Reducing Moisture in Your Mobile Home

Moisture can be an issue in any home. It’s important to be preventative. It’s so much easier to avoid these issues instead of having to deal with the consequences of them. Most of these items can be done in seconds and don’t add hassle to your daily life at all, it’s just getting in the discipline to do them. Those living in the southeast are the most at risk for moisture in their homes. If your home is unleveled or your skirting is damaged, you’ll also need to check on these items frequently.

Let’s look at some ways to reduce moisture!

Dehumidifiers. They can be pricey, but they also can seriously reduce moisture in the air. I have one in my basement and all that has to be done to maintain it is emptying the water pan. You also can attach a hose and run it continuously, just be aware of your electricity bill.

Repair any tears in the belly wrap. The vapor barrier, located on the underbelly your mobile home essentially separates the ground from your home. If there are tears in your belly wrap, moisture can seep into the space underneath you home and cause mold or softness.

Keep floor registers open. Keeping them closed traps air and leads to less circulation – neither of which are good for clear air.

Use the fan in your bathroom when you shower. If you’re like me you try to trap the warm air in, so often I don’t use the fan. However, I pay for it when my fire alarm goes off from lack of ventilation in my older home. Moral of the story, turn the fan on. It keeps the air moving and strips the air of moisture.

Turn the fan on when using the stovetop. Not using the fan can cause serious smoke in the kitchen without proper air flow.

Ventilate your skirting so moisture doesn’t accumulate under your mobile home. There are usually built-in vents that should be open to keep critters out as well as moisture.

We hope you practice these things in your home and improve the lifetime of your home. There is a lot of great info below. Take some time and look the document for helpful tips and how to understand your home better!

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